
Drama name : Pork Weediya
Year :2021


"Pork Weediya" "Pork Weediya" is a currently airing teledrama on ITN. The story commences with the arrival of Mandakini, an actress, at a place called Pork Weediya—a bustling night market where street vendors ply their trade. This narrative paints a vivid picture of the contemporary situation in the country, shedding light on the struggles of individuals grappling with economic hardships and their resilient efforts to confront daily challenges. The vibrant lifestyle of the pork street's stall owners is beautifully portrayed, offering the audience a taste of unique creativity throughout the storyline. Story: The tale unfolds as Wilson, a tea maker who owns the first stall at Pork Weediya, introduces Mandakini to each vendor one by one. Her journey culminates at a stall selling pork and pol roti run by Dilan and his wife, Nuwangi, who were formerly teachers and now serve village-style delights. The next stall is managed by Senaka and his wife, offering healthy food options. Narmada operates a sweet stall and also works as a taxi driver. Maadini is the talented singer of the Pork Weediya. Sandaruwan runs a fruit juice stall while simultaneously pursuing a career as a novelist, aspiring to win an award. Dev and his recently married wife, Shenu, manage a pork and pol roti stall. At the end of each day, everyone returns home, except Senaka and his wife, who live in a lorry after leaving their house. As the new day dawns, Mandakini, the actress who previously visited Pork Weediya, returns with the idea of running a burger stall. Initially, the other vendors are apprehensive, fearing that her presence may threaten their businesses. However, Maadini speaks on Mandakini's behalf, emphasizing that everyone has the right to start a business and that they all share equal opportunities. Eventually, the vendors come to realize the truth of this statement, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation among them.

Pork Weediya teledrama Playlist

Pork Weediya | Episode 60 - (2021-10-19) | ITN preview image

Pork Weediya | Episode 60 - (2021-10-19) | ITN

Pork Weediya | Episode 59 - (2021-10-18) | ITN preview image

Pork Weediya | Episode 59 - (2021-10-18) | ITN

Pork Weediya | Episode 57 - (2021-10-14) | ITN preview image

Pork Weediya | Episode 57 - (2021-10-14) | ITN

Pork Weediya | Episode 58 - (2021-10-15) | ITN preview image

Pork Weediya | Episode 58 - (2021-10-15) | ITN

Pork Weediya | Episode 56 - (2021-10-13) | ITN preview image

Pork Weediya | Episode 56 - (2021-10-13) | ITN

Pork Weediya | Episode 55 - (2021-10-12) | ITN preview image

Pork Weediya | Episode 55 - (2021-10-12) | ITN

Pork Weediya | Episode 54 - (2021-10-11) | ITN preview image

Pork Weediya | Episode 54 - (2021-10-11) | ITN

Pork Weediya | Episode 53 - (2021-10-08) | ITN preview image

Pork Weediya | Episode 53 - (2021-10-08) | ITN

Pork Weediya | Episode 52 - (2021-10-07) | ITN preview image

Pork Weediya | Episode 52 - (2021-10-07) | ITN

Pork Weediya | Episode 51 - (2021-10-06) | ITN preview image

Pork Weediya | Episode 51 - (2021-10-06) | ITN

Actors on Pork Weediya drama

Gayan Vithana
S I Samarakkodi
Tharuka Munasinghe
Ishara Wickramasinghe
Yohan Salun
Samitha Sudeeshwara
Mahesh Uyanwatte
Prasad Samarathunga
Gayan Withana
Dulika Marapane
Kanchana Gimhan
Senulya Danthanarayana
Prathiba Hettiarachchi