
Film name : Kele Handa
Year :1953

Kele Handa Brief:

Kele Handa Film is this awesome musical movie that came out on May 27th. It's super special because it's the first film ever based on a Sinhala novel. B. A. W. Jayamanne did an amazing job directing it. The cast is fantastic, including Rukmani Devi, Stanley Perera, Rita Ratnayake, B. A. W. Jayamanne, Eddie Jayamanne, Mabel Blythe, Millie Kahandawala, Wimala Kumari, and Udula Dabare. Now, let me tell you about the story—it's a sweet love story about Malini, a girl from the village. She heads to the town to check out the Vel festival and ends up falling head over heels for John Jayapala, a seemingly low-class guy who's actually pretty well-off. Talk about a plot twist, right? Super exciting stuff!

Kele Handa Full Movie and Official Trailers

Actors on Kele Handa film

Rukmani Devi


Stanley Perera


Eddie Jayamanne


Mabel Blythe


Peter Peries


Udula Dabare
