
Film name : Pathiniyakage Horawa
Year :2002

Pathiniyakage Horawa Brief:

"Pathiniyakage Horawa" - A Tale of Love and Resilience Released on the 11th of July 2002, "Pathiniyakage Horawa" is a cinematic masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences with its compelling narrative and exceptional performances. With a colorful palette and captured on 35mm video format, this film immerses viewers in a world of emotions and human experiences. At the heart of "Pathiniyakage Horawa" is a tale of love and resilience, expertly directed by Sri Lal Priyadeva. His visionary direction guides the narrative, allowing the story to unfold organically and touch the hearts of audiences. The film is a testament to his storytelling prowess and ability to capture the intricacies of human relationships. The cast of "Pathiniyakage Horawa" breathes life into the characters, making them relatable and unforgettable. Arjuna Kamalanath, in a leading role, delivers a performance that captures the essence of his character. His portrayal adds depth and authenticity to the narrative, drawing viewers into the story. Roger Senewirathna, another main actor in the film, complements the cast with his talent and presence. His performance enriches the storytelling, adding layers to the characters and their journeys. Eardley Wedamuni and Tyron Micheal contribute their acting skills to the film, enhancing the narrative with their performances. The film features two main actresses, Samudra Hikkaduwa and Nilushi Halpita, both of whom deliver exceptional performances. Their chemistry with the male leads adds depth and emotion to the story, making the relationships central to the narrative. Upekshi Wijesingha also plays a role in the film, contributing to the ensemble cast. Behind the scenes, Nilanthi Dammika took on the role of producer, ensuring that the film's vision was realized. Her dedication to the project and commitment to storytelling are evident in the final product. The collaborative efforts of the production team are essential to the film's success. The music in "Pathiniyakage Horawa" plays a vital role in setting the tone and mood of the narrative. The musical score, composed with skill and creativity, adds depth to the emotional journey of the characters. The cinematography, expertly handled by the film's crew, captures the beauty of the world in which the characters live. Costume design, makeup, and all other aspects of filmmaking contribute to the film's authenticity and visual appeal. Every detail, from the characters' appearances to the settings, adds to the overall cinematic experience. In conclusion, "Pathiniyakage Horawa" is a cinematic gem that continues to enthrall audiences with its rich storytelling and exceptional performances. Directed by Sri Lal Priyadeva and produced by Nilanthi Dammika, it is a visual and emotional journey that immerses viewers in the world of its characters. The film's use of color cinematography adds vibrancy to its narrative, making it a timeless work of art. "Pathiniyakage Horawa" remains a cherished gem in the treasure trove of Sri Lankan cinema, a testament to the enduring power of film as a medium of storytelling and artistic expression.

Pathiniyakage Horawa Full Movie and Official Trailers

Actors on Pathiniyakage Horawa film

Arjuna Kamalanath


Eardley Wedamuni


Tyron Micheal


Samudra Hikkaduwa


Nilushi Halpita


Upekshi Wijesingha
